About Kim D

Kim is our review connoisseur. Kim enjoys going through the full casino player experience and provides you with the highlights and lowlights of different online casinos giving you honest points of view and issues you might experience as a gambler.

You can expect a few opinionated comments since Kim has been in the industry since 2007 and has seen it flourish from strength to strength with high expectations of newer brands. One of Kim’s greatest passions is the integration of cryptocurrencies into the online casino industry since it just makes sense.

Casino brand analyses:92%
Job:Copywriter and Proofreader
Hobbies:Gaming, gambling online
Favourite Quote:Dream your life, live your Dream
Living Currently:South Africa

Why Trust Kim D?

With over 15 years in the online casino industry, touching all areas of the business, from the basics through to the operations of many online casinos. Kim has been at the forefront of growing small brands into top 10 online casinos and takes her in-depth knowledge with her wherever she goes. Kim has a fascination with cryptocurrencies and gambling and sees the benefit of the collaboration between the two financial sectors. Online gambling is an instinctive and daily ritual for Kim, even on the off days and bank holidays. A quick peek here and there never hurt anyone, right?

Recent reviews by Kim D

Get in touch

Kim is always open to giving new casinos a try and putting them through their tests. Reach out to her and she will respond to you in due course with her thoughts. It might not be immediate, but it will be responded to. Send an email to support@freespinsbonus24.com.